Injured at work? Worried about your job? 

The workers' compensation law was enacted to help you, the worker, that was injured on the job. These benefits provide income, pay medical bills, and can assist with vocational rehabilitation. 

  • How can you be sure you will get those benefits?
  • What if someone besides your employer was responsible for your injury and the injury is catastrophic?
  • Do you know the ins and outs of the workers' compensation law?

William J. Schenck has represented injured workers for more than 30 years and understands work injury issues, including liability of third parties. We win settlements and awards without unnecessarily loud or angry tactics. Let us help you through the laws and regulations that can determine your benefit income, your medical care, whether your benefits will be terminated, suspended or modified, or if you should negotiate a lump sum settlement.

If you have questions about your work injury and need some answers, give Schenck & Long a call. Attorney Bill Schenck has successfully fought for the injured worker for his entire career--- whether hurt in an office, behind the wheel , in a mill, or in the field, Bill's work is fighting for your rights!


Phone: 724.283.7359   |   Toll-Free: 866.283.7359