When your client is in need of specialized legal services pertaining to medical malpractice or catastrophic injury claims, consider forming a strategic partnership with the firm of Schenck & Long. Find out why attorneys across western and central Pennsylvania are referring cases of this nature to Schenck & Long:

Your client stays with you.

Schenck & Long does not seek and will not accept the general legal services business of your client. As a specialized practice, we limit our representation to plaintiffs pursuing medical malpractice, catastrophic injury, or third-party work injury cases. We emphasize at every turn that you are the client's personal attorney. 

Your client stays close to home.

Sending your clients to mega-firms in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, or Erie can leave them feeling inconvenienced and disconnected. Schenck & Long travels to you and your client. We handle each case with a personal, hands-on approach, and our team is always prepared to quickly answer calls and correspondence with a friendy, informative response.

You determine the extent of your involvement.

From open-and-shut referrals to co-counsel arrangements, Schenck & Long is prepared to handle each case in the manner that best suits you and your client. We respect your time and wishes. At minimum, you will receive regular case status updates to facilitate your personal interactions with your client. 

We offer equitable referral fees.

We appreciate the trust vested in our firm by attorneys such as you, and our attractive referral fees are structured accordingly. There are no up-front costs to your firm or client.

Call us to plan a no-obligation office visit.

We, William J. Schenck and Sheryle L. Long, travel to you. Upon request, we will visit your office to explain to you and your client how we can work together. Throughout our involvement in your client's case, we are available to visit your firm to interact with the client in your office. We are headquartered in Butler County, but our practice extends throughout western and central Pennsylvania.