When you refer a medical malpractice or catastrophic injury case to an outside firm, do you obtain a partner in serving your client or a competitor for your client's long-term loyalty?

By recommending Schenck & Long, you can eliminate this doubt while assuring that your client receives strong representation from a team skilled in the medical and legal intricacies central to cases of this nature. Discover why more and more cases are finding their way to Schenck & Long through referral by attorneys such as you:

  • We limit our practice to medical malpractice, personal & catastrophic injury, birth injury, and third-party work injury. This approach affords enhanced effectiveness—and assures that we will not jeopardize the "general counsel" relationship you have forged with your client.
  • We deliver for clients. With a combined 50 years of legal experience, our firm has successfully obtained six and seven figure awards for our clients, for example, $7.9 million for a third-party construction site injury and $2.1 million in a surgical negligence case.
  • We are the legal team with the Registered Nurse Attorney. Sheryle L. Long, Butler County's former District Attorney, is experienced and published in critical care, emergency, pre-hospital, and surgical nursing.
  • We are a hometown firm with "big city" results. Why send clients on endless treks to Pittsburgh when Schenck & Long offers expertise with better accessibility? Our practice extends throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and we travel to you.
  • We keep you constantly informed. We will routinely provide information to foster your communications with your client. Your personal involvement in the case is constrained only by your wishes and time.
  • We offer a competitive referral fee, and there are no up-front costs to your firm or client.

A Schenck & Long partnership is about enhancing your relationship with your client. We visit your office to meet the client, and we provide specialized legal services within the framework of your permanent, all-encompassing attorney-client relationship. If you would like to learn more about partnering with Schenck & Long, we look forward to personally handling your inquiry. We would particularly welcome the opportunity to travel to your office so we can meet in person and explore ways to work together.